A profile photo of Marcio Rebouças
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Product Designer

Helping companies validate,
measure and grow products

Helping companies validate, measure and grow products

Hi! I'm Marcio, a Product Designer focused in Research, Analytics and Growth

+6 years

of experience designing solutions

+6 years

of experience designing solutions

+6 years

of experience designing solutions


in revenue generate for companies


in revenue generate for companies


in revenue generate for companies

+1 Million

users impacted by my solutions

+1 Million

users impacted by my solutions

+1 Million

users impacted by my solutions

About me

Hello! I'm Marcio Rebouças, a product designer specialized in research living in Campinas, São Paulo with more than 5 years of design experience

Hello! I'm Marcio Rebouças, a product designer specialized in research living in Campinas, São Paulo with more than 5 years of design experience

Hello! I'm Marcio Rebouças, a product designer specialized in research living in Campinas, São Paulo with more than 5 years of design experience

A profile photo of Marcio Rebouças
A profile photo of Marcio Rebouças
A profile photo of Marcio Rebouças
A profile photo of Marcio Rebouças

My work has been featured on

VP CAR company's logo

Contact me

Want to create something awesome? Fill out the form or send me an email at:

Want to create something awesome? Fill out the form or send me an email at:

Want to create something awesome? Fill the form or send me an e-mail:


